This project was developed at BrainStation as part of the research component of the course. The brief was to tackle a healthcare-related problem by applying the methodologies taught at the program.
TIMELINE 4 Week Solo Project
MY ROLE Experience Strategy. Problem Solution
DELIVERABLES Solution, Mid-Fidelity Flows, Prototypes, Product Mockups, Process
Problem Space
Common knowledge is that Canada heavily relies on immigrants to strength national economies, fill labor shortages, and contribute to demographic stability.
However, a great number of studies conducted in Canada indicate that immigrants frequently face multiple common barriers when attempting to access health care services.
From Social Science & Medicine 66 (2008) 1271-1283
Secondary Research
After review and compare findings from a variety of studies regards immigrants’ experiences with the current healthcare system.There are three major themes emerged from the secondary research finding:
language barrier
cultural sensitivity
geographic barrier
User Interview
By 3 current immigrant were interviewed to get sense of challenge or key barriers experienced in Canada
By talking to interviewees, I’m able to sort their pain point into three majority themes
1. Language Barrier
2. Economic Barrier
3. Doctors Shortage
The Insights
Hypothesis and Opportunities A digital booking system might help to solve a part of this problem. This digital platform is able to let users search doctors who nearby base on their search criteria. Base on their request, they can search for doctors who currently accept new patients, or speak in their language.
I believe this digital platform would provide real help to new Canadian immigrants.
Meanwhile, a digital platform is much easy to produce. It might cost a couple of months from production to launch to the market. On the other hand, it takes years and years to change health care policy.
The Solution Thinking
User Persona
Experience Map
What a typical medical seeking process in Tsubaki life would look like
So, How Might We
Provide new immigrants with a way to reduce clinic long waiting times to achieve better health care experience?
A. User Epic & User Storey
For my design solution, the key experience is the epic “Booking an appointment”. This is also the minimum viable feature the product can ship out if it will be developed within a short time.
B. Selected Task Flow
C. Sketches & WireframesOnce I got an understanding of the users, their task and stories, I started sketching design solutions. The process of sketching enables me to visualize different ideas and try out content placement.